Saturday, May 15, 2010

"rsync" configuration in Linux/Unix

What "rsync" can do ?

"rsync" can perform differential uploads and downloads (synchronization) of files across the network, transferring only data that has changed. The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the differences between two sets of files across the network connection.

Hand's ON Practical :-

Recommended : Install "rsync" on both linux or unix machines. (only for redhat/fedora)
yum install rsync

Note: Always use rsync over ssh
Since rsync does not provide any security while transferring data it is recommended that you use rsync over ssh . This allows a secure remote connection. Now let us see some examples of rsync.
Task 1: Copy file from a local computer to a remote server. Copy file from "/data/office.tar.gz" to a remote server called ""

$ rsync -v -e ssh
/data/office.tar.gz rohit@

Task 2: Copy file from a remote server to a local computer

Copy file "/home/nishith/data.txt" from a remote server "" to a local computer "/tmp" directory:
$ rsync -v -e ssh nishith@ /tmp

Give Password:

Task: Synchronize a local directory with a remote directory

$ rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l nishith" --delete /data

Task: Synchronize a remote directory with a local directory

$ rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l nishith" --delete /data

Task: Synchronize a local directory with a remote rsync server

$ rsync -r -a -v --delete rsync:// /home/nishith/

"rsync" command common options.

  • --delete : delete files that don't exist on sender (system)
  • -v : Verbose (try -vv for more detailed information)
  • -e "ssh options" : specify the ssh as remote shell
  • -a : archive mode
  • -r : recurse into directories
  • -z : compress file data

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